Thursday, October 15, 2015

How to Fight Yeast Infection At Home (part 1 of 2)

There are many causes of yeast infection. These include wearing tight jeans or underwear and certain antibiotics such as steroids and birth control pills. To make matters worse, this is common among women especially during child bearing age. This begins with a slight itch in the vagina. The only good news is that this can be treated and there are certain things you can use to fight this at home.

You can use Cranberry pills. This is sold over the counter in the drug store. What makes it so effective is that the ingredients help the body’s immune system to fight back the spread of the fungus until this once again reaches normal levels.

Another option will be to use apple cider vinegar and applying some on a cotton ball. Those who decide to try it should expect to feel a slight sting after applying but this can be countered by mixing it with a little garlic. Naturally, this vital organ will also smell. You can fix this by diluting in some water.

Yogurt is another alternative. You will only need to get a teaspoon and then apply this directly in the affected area or on a tampon first. If you don’t have yogurt, use curds. This should be applied twice a day until the infection is gone.

You can also mix olive leaf and grape fruit seed extract together with water and then apply this using a cotton bud. You can also get the same result using raw garlic juice. Just rub this over your fingers and then rub it over the affected area.

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